Methanol Vehicle Pilot in Gui Yang City Successfully Reviewed
December 8, 2017
Gui Yang City, China-on 8th of December 2017, the methanol vehicle pilot of of Gui Yang city, Gui Zhou Province was reviewed and accepted by an expert group commissioned by Chinese Ministry Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), Ministry Environment Protection (MEP) and Ministry of Transportation (MOT).
The group visited fueling stations, methanol vehicle maintenance center, data collection center; reviewed the production and operation of methanol vehicles in the city and believe the pilot was well organized with satisfied results, the data and the data collection from methanol supply, vehicle operation, car service and operation management with digitalized system, giving a high efficiency management and controllable process, providing a new model for the promotion of methanol vehicles.

Started from 2014, Gui Yang City has 1867 methanol taxies in its pilot program, that is about 70% of the total methanol vehicles deployed in China, with 11.07 million liters of M100 fueled and total mileage 72.09 million km. By the completion of the review in Gui Yang, all the methanol vehicle program in the 10 piloting cities have been successfully reviewed jointly by MIIT, NDRC and MOST, marking a milestone of the Chinese Methanol Vehicle Pilot commissioned in 2012.
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